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Welcome to After Darkness Light

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

1 Peter 2:9

What can you expect from blog posts?

The idea is to engage with a wide variety of topics, debates and social issues. Always under the worldview of Christ as Lord of all.

We live in a world that bombards us with messages on a daily basis and as a Christ follower it is hard to know how to respond to and engage with hard topics and conversations. Often we, ourselves, struggle with really hard questions about life and faith.

In no way do we claim to be experts on any of these topics. These posts are based on reading, research, conversations, personal thoughts and prayer. But the hope is that the thoughts written here would spark conversation, stir faith, awaken a deeper love for the Lord and soften hard hearts.

Different categories

The different categories are there to help make navigation easier. You can read prayers, reflect on encouragement, engage with theology, grapple with issues like feminism or addictions and enjoy worshipping our holy God with us.

If there are any specific topics you would like us to engage with, DM us on our Instagram page!

Why are we here?

Life takes many unexpected twists and turns and sometimes under the sovereign hand of our loving Father our faith is tested by fire. We walk through valleys. We are tossed around in a storm. We realize how utterly out of our control the future is. We learn that prayers rarely get answered the way we want them to. We encounter very broken people. We see the depth and totality of our sinful nature. We mourn and weep and rejoice and seek and find and grieve and laugh and question.

And God makes all things work together for the good.

The seeds for this website, blog and Instagram page took root during a very dark, very painful time of life. A time of heartache, testing, confusion, fear and wilderness wandering. The remnants of this time is scattered all over the blog posts, the worship playlists, the book recommendations, the pictures and the life that is shared here.

Engage with all of these resources and share them far and wide

May God get all the glory!

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